Win National Compliment Day with These Praise-Worthy Items

In a world where we’re so often defined by our differences, it’s important to remember the handful of universal truths that bind us: puppies are cute, going to bed without setting an alarm is bliss, free food is the best food, leaving work early is magnificent, and it’s awesome when your favorite song comes on the radio. You’d be hard-pressed to find anyone who has something negative to say about these ties that bind. Another universal truth: compliments. Compliments have this powerful, almost mystical effect on both the giver and the receiver. They can instill confidence, provide validation, build relationships, and go a long way toward improving someone’s mood. Science says so too. Researchers have found that compliments actually activate the striatum area of the brain (the area that regulates a range of cognitive functions, such as feelings of reward, motivation, and decision-making), and actually improve peoples’ performance. They studied the effects of ...