The Best Compliments to Give Someone on National Compliment Day

The new year is here, and what better way to close out the first month than spreading some feel-good vibes? There has to be some sort of scientific formula for the relationship between happiness and compliments, right? Maybe not, but until someone comes up with one, we have to assume that a good, genuine, heartwarming compliment has a ton of influence on a person’s confidence, self-esteem, and general happiness. Just think about those times someone gave you a compliment and it made your day—pretty extraordinary, right?
Funny Coffee Mugs

In fact, there’s an entire holiday on January 24th dedicated to giving compliments called National Compliment Day. Although you shouldn’t have to save all of your compliments for just one day of the year, here are some good ones to spread year-round. And if you don’t have a chance to say one of these compliments to a special person in person, write it out on cute stationery and send it to them! 

“Your perspective is refreshing and necessary.”

It seems like everybody has a unique perspective on pretty much everything. It’s these points of view that help solve all of the world’s problems, no matter how big or small. From getting people on the moon to getting the office wi-fi to work, perspectives are everything. As such, it feels good to know that ours are valued and necessary for the team. 

“If you were a box of crayons, you’d be the fancy one with the sharpener.”

Remember back in grade school, there were those big, name-brand boxes of crayons with basically every color under the rainbow and a sharpener to boot? Yeah, we all wanted one, and if you didn’t want one, it’s because you already had one. Tell your bud they’re the human version of that premium crayon cradle. 

“You’re a real gift to the office.”

Gifts don’t always have to be funny coffee mugs or come with a bow on top. Sometimes the best gifts are jokes, smiles, and holding the door for someone carrying something. If you know someone that always makes the office shine when they walk in, even on the Monday-est Monday, tell them! It’ll make their day and make them feel appreciated. 

“You make the best water cooler chit-chat.”

The water cooler, like the watering hole of the animal kingdom, is where we gather to chill, make a little chit-chat, and, of course, get some much-needed H2O. Making small talk at the water cooler is a lost art in our generation, but some people make that 60-second break so much more. If you have a favorite small-talk office bud, let them know!

“I can learn so much from you.”

We all like to think that we’re wise and should either write a blog or try stand-up. The truth is, not all of us are cut out for jokes about airline food, but we all have something to share with the world. For most, there’s no greater compliment than being told that they have valuable wisdom to offer, so spread this message on National Compliment Day or really any time they share something you find enlightening.

About Talking Out of Turn

Talking Out of Turn (TOOT) specializes in home and office essentials that have a TOOT twist on them. They make their stuff in the Dallas, Texas TOOT Workshop and offer great gifts or desk accessories that your coworkers will be jealous about. When the TOOT team sees something as ordinary as a stapler, they think, “Why not make this in TOOT pink?” Whether you’re looking for cute tote bags, pencil pouches, funny coffee mugs, or even baby cards, TOOT has it all, and in a color that you or your bestie will totally adore.

Shop all of TOOT’s life essentials at


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