Tips for Setting Up Your Home Office

Working from home is becoming incredibly common. Whether you work remotely for a traditional employer or you own your own business or work as a freelancer, working from home provides a wide variety of benefits and can allow you to maximize your time each day without the commute to an office.

With this in mind, when you first set up your home office, you might run into a couple of obstacles keeping you from being as productive and efficient as possible. To counter these, here are a few tips to help set up your home office for success. 

Separate Work From Personal Life

Some people can work perfectly fine and are incredibly efficient using their laptop while lying in bed all day, but most people need a dedicated office to work best. To achieve this, you should move your desk to a different room if it’s in your bedroom.If you don't have a desk, you should consider purchasing one so you can have a dedicated workspace while you work from home. Many people will use a guest room as an office, but even a corner desk in the living room can be enough to separate your work life from home life. Wherever you decide to work, keep your collection of cute bags and other personal items out of sight (Unless they’re holding your office supplies!) so you can maintain optimal focus. 

Have All of Your Desk Essentials

From your keyboard to the monitor, pencil pouches, headphones, and more, your desk should have everything that you need to get work done throughout the day without having to run to the office supply store. You should stock up on other office essentials like tape and staples and even consider moving a mini fridge or coffee maker into the office, so you aren't running to the kitchen every few minutes to fill up your cup. Stocking up on your essential items and storing them in your office will help keep you more focused throughout the day. Be sure to have dependable writing utensils handy as well and consider stocking up on colored gel pens and pens with cute sayings to add some color and humor to your workday.

Stay in a Routine

Some people like working from home because it means that they don't have to wake up at 5:30 every morning to get ready, while others enjoy it because they can work even earlier and get done with the day around 1 p.m. Whatever time you choose to work, you should stick to a schedule every workday to help keep yourself consistent. If you start working at 8 a.m. one day and 2 p.m. the next day, it can be hard to keep a natural working rhythm going. Work at a similar time each day and even though you're at home, limit distractions and maintain a steady flow as if you were in a traditional office.

Pay Attention to Lighting

It might seem like a minor detail, but the lighting in your office space can have a huge impact on the work you get done. Staring at a computer screen for hours on end isn't natural, but if you can keep the office space well-lit, it can help to reduce the glare, and you won't need to strain your eyes quite as much. A bright office space can also keep you alert and focused throughout the day. Well, that and a cup of whatever caffeinated beverage fuels you held within funny coffee mugs on your desk.

About Talking Out of Turn

Based in Dallas, Texas, Talking Out of Turn (TOOT) designs and creates a variety of different products including funny coffee mugs, cute stationery, adorable tote bags, and even baby cards all made with a personal touch. They work with various artists to make products in-house for unique designs that add a splash of creativity to your daily life.

To see TOOT’s entire collection, visit


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