Tips to Help You Power Through the Spring Semester Slump

With the holidays over and as many people head back to school, the spring semester is the dreaded second half of the year that many people call the “spring semester slump.” It can be a challenge to get back in the groove of things after having a few weeks off from school, and with the promise of the warm summer sun so close yet so far away, staying focused on your goals and assignments can be a bigger challenge than in the fall.

Luckily, there are ways to get over the spring semester slump that can even help you get more out of your time at school and maybe even make it enjoyable too. Here are a few tips to help get you through the spring semester.

Stick to the Plan

If your New Year's resolution was to be more organized and get more done, you're going to need a plan. You should schedule your assignments and start them as soon as possible. Procrastination can sneak up on you if you aren't careful, and what was once due in three weeks is now due before class starts in three hours. Schedule how you plan to use your time including studying, completing assignments, going to class, work, and hanging out with your friends. With these periods blocked out, you can make the most of your time and get more done than you ever did before, helping you get potentially better grades and keep your sanity during the spring semester slump.

Make Sure You Have the Right Tools

Along with staying organized, you should have the right tools within reach to make your school work a breeze; after all, you shouldn't have to spend all of your time looking for your favorite gel pen. Along with a bunch of pens, your laptop, and other desk essentials, you should look into some cute stationery. While it probably won’t be ideal for taking notes in class, if you want to send a nice letter back home to family or just want to impress your professor with a professional-looking essay paper, having cute stationery is sure to make an impression. 

Reward Yourself

College is hard. From balancing a heavy class load to working in the evening and studying during practically any free moment, getting through it is no easy feat. To keep yourself motivated through the days, weeks, and months of the spring semester slump, you should promise rewards for yourself whenever you reach a milestone. They can be small rewards like watching an episode of your favorite show after finishing your reading for the night, or big rewards like getting yourself cute bags whenever you score an A on an exam. Whatever the case may be, remember to have fun and enjoy yourself this semester and it will fly by much faster. 

It Gets Easier From Here

Remember, even though summer break can seem like it's an eternity away, it's actually only a few months. Take everything one day at a time and summer break will be here in no time. If you can effectively balance your work, school, and social life, you can maximize your time and the months will start to fly by without you even noticing.

About Talking Out of Turn

Based in Dallas, Texas, Talking Out of Turn (TOOT) designs and creates a variety of different products including funny coffee mugs, colorful stationery, cute tote bags, and even baby cards all made with a personal touch. They work with various artists to make products in-house for unique designs that add a splash of creativity to your daily life.

To see TOOT’s entire collection, visit


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