Just Because the Summer’s Over Doesn’t Mean the Fun Has to Stop

Summer is over! Chances are you’ve already put away your flippy floppies and sunnies in favor of flannels and ankle warmers. When we were kids, there was like no worse feeling than seeing back to school ads come on TV. It signaled the beginning of the end—the forlorn conclusion to the best time of the year and the beginning of school. 


If you still have those thoughts about fall, remember that you’re grown up! For real. We’re adults now, and there isn’t a summer break. There is, however, a never-ending limit on the fun we can have. Our lives know no seasonal bound, so cheer up! Here are some of the super fun things you get to look forward to doing this fall.

It’s a Pumpkin Spice Kinda Life

Might as well get this one out of the way. For at least the last few years or so, pumpkin spice has been inescapable in the fall, and we’re not even mad about it. From pumpkin spice cookies, candles, pumpkins, and the legendary pumpkin spice latte, pumpkin spice is everywhere. Break out your best funny coffee mugs and get ready to sip on this not-even-really-pumpkin-tasting drink for months.

Enjoy Scary Movies Galore!

In the summer, we want to be carefree. Fall? Nope. Halloween is practically a month-long celebration for a bunch of us, and scary movies become a way of life. Everyone knows that December/January is Oscar season, summer is comedy season, and fall is for all of the horrible (in the best way) horror movies. Pro tip: use your cute pencil pouch to sneak snacks into the theater like the spooky smuggler you know you are. We won’t tell.

Go on Adventures and Get Lost

What’s better than a pumpkin patch? A good ol’ fashioned corn maze. There’s likely one somewhere around where you live you just might not know it. Some of us think we’re too old to be getting lost in a field, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Go out and get lost this fall and get bonus points if you can make it out without having to take a shortcut.

Football Is Back, Enjoy the Season

If you love football, you already know that you’re looking forward to it. Even if you aren’t a huge fan, you should skip the sports bar, go to a game in person, and turn it into an event. Whether you know your fumbles from incomplete passes or not, we can all agree stadium food is the best on a crisp fall evening. Regardless of which team you are cheering for, you’ll definitely be representing “Team Cute” when you show up to the tailgate with Talking Out of Turn can coolies and a super stylin’ cooler bag full of drinks for everyone.

Jump Into a Pile of Leaves

Fall brings amber and orange leaves that, well, fall. Although raking them up in a neat little pile is technically a chore, don’t fight your urge to jump in the leaves and make a Boomerang post about it. You know you want to, and nobody is stopping you. Leap away!

About Talking Out of Turn

We all need life essentials like pens, totes, stationery, pencil pouches, and baby cards for those surprise announcements. Talking Out of Turn (TOOT) has you covered! They put a fun lovin’ twist on these daily things that will make you the coolest busy bee in the office. They make most of their stuff in their Dallas workshop by hand, and you can tell they put their heart and soul into everything. Whether you want to add a splash of color to your desk or stand out on the weekend, check out their functional but sassy goodies.

Shop all of their life essentials at Talkingoutofturn.com


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