Cross Off Checklist Day or Any Busy Day with These Tips

It doesn’t matter if you’re a pro dog walker or a CEO, we all have a common enemy: the seemingly endless to-do list. Every day brings a new set of challenges and little things to get done. Some of us cross items off the list with ease while some of our today lists turn into tomorrow lists. If you’re going to get your entire checklist done in a day, you might as well make it October 30th, Checklist Day. If you missed that item on your list and the day has come and gone, it’s all good! Any day is a good day for checklist clearing. Here are some tips for tackling any to-do list, anytime, anywhere, any day of the week. 

pencil pouches
Start Off with a Win

Sometimes just getting started on the to-do list is the hardest part. You show up to work half-awake, fire up the computer, and immediately see a huge list of things to get done. It’s basically like staring up at a mountain. You gotta take the first step though, so why not do something easy? Getting that first little thing off the list will help start the momentum for the rest of the day. 

Stop Multitasking

Yeah, yeah, you put on your resumé that you’re a multitasking rockstar, but sometimes that’s not the best approach. If you’re spreading yourself thin between answering emails, crunching numbers, and editing the company blog, you’re going to do a so-so job at each of them. Focus up and do one thing at a time as much as you can, so that you can get things done right the first time. The key to effectively tackling a lot of tasks is prioritization and planning, not trying to do 10 things at once.

Be Prepared

We only have so many hours in the day and spending a ton of time finding your laptop charger or that missing earbud is only going to slow you down. Show up prepared with all of your tools and gadgets in order. Pro tip: use organization buddies like pencil pouches to keep all of your little stuff together so you can stop chasing around headphones and lip gloss caps all day. 

Clear Desk = Clear Mind = Clear To-Do List

It’s time to dispel the myth that a cluttered desk is the sign of a genius. In all honesty, it’s just an excuse we like to tell ourselves. If you really want to get some stuff done, you’ll love having a clean desk. It’s a lot easier than you think with desk sets that keep your office supplies neat and tidy. Pick one up in a vibrant color that stands out, and you’ll love your new productivity buddy. 

In the End, Does It Have to Get Finished?

When it’s all said and done (or not), does it matter if everything is crossed off of the list? Most of the time, we put things on there that can wait, but the sight of seeing menial tasks leftover can make us feel unaccomplished. Only put priorities on the list, and when you check them all off, you’ll know you’ve earned that post-work happy hour. 

About Talking Out of Turn

Talking Out of Turn (TOOT) puts a fun lovin’ twist on tons of life essentials and are always ready for a good time. Think that desk sets have to be plain? Wait until you see TOOT’s take on them. Can’t find the right baby cards? Yup, they have those too, and they’re super cute and funny. TOOT is based in Dallas, Texas where they’re always crafting and creating in the TOOT Workshop day-in and day-out. They like to do things the old-school way, making a ton of art and prints by hand. On the TOOT website, you can pick up all of your work and life stuff like Jotter Pens, cute bags, stationery, funny coffee mugs, and so much more.

Check out all of TOOT’s work and life essentials at


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